Another day....
Well hello. I seem to be posting a lot today. Its the excitement of having something new! Like when you get a new puppy and you can't get over how much you love it... Until it pees on the carpet, then the newness of the puppy isn't as exciting! OK that's totally beside the point. I'm a bit on the frustrated side. But then again what else is new? Nothing... But that's what this blog is for right? So that I can rant and vent without feeling any pangs of guilt. Some people can just be stupid. Actually we can all be stupid and in general we are all stupid but there are some out there that should get an award solely for being stupid... Because being this stupid must take work. But not real work. Because Heaven forbid that we do real work. You know... Grow up a bit and take responsibility for our own actions. Our own mistakes. What is that saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Because unless you change what you're doing and how you do it, nothing will change. Change takes time but it also takes change. Change yourself and your actions. Will that guy ever stop threatening to leave you? No probably not, but how you take it and how you respond to it, that can change. And your response, YOUR reaction can change how he fights and why he fights. Will this guy ever stop drinking? Stop wasting money? Stop smoking? Right now? No. Why? Because you still drink, smoke and waste money. Don't expect things to change while you sit around and stay the same.